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Cardiovascular Disease

What Can You Do to Prevent Heart Disease? 

Heart and circulatory diseases cause more than a quarter of all deaths in the UK. Compelling evidence suggests that the incidence of cardiovascular disease, CVD, is strongly influenced by dietary and lifestyle factors. 

“While genetics contributes to some degree, many other factors are within your control”

Functional nutrition can help improve existing cardiovascular disease, and in other cases, prevent its development. Integrative therapies, are used in conjunction with conventional medical care, building a partnership between the patient, their doctor and the integrative therapy provider.

Functional nutrition emphasises a healthy lifestyle – eating a diet rich in whole foods and plants, getting adequate exercise, managing stress and optimising restorative sleep. These practices have a positive impact on blood pressure, lipid profiles and obesity– three of the most significant factors for developing cardiovascular disease.Adopting this approach early on may be able to prevent cardiovascular disease downstream, and help existing cardiovascular patients manage and improve their symptoms.

Know your risk factors!

Simple tests can reveal your risk associated with developing cardiovascular disease. Knowing your blood pressure, lipid profiles and inflammation markers help you make the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle, which can be a more powerful intervention to prevent heart disease than any medication.

Heart Healthy Package

A Heart Healthy Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan 

Initial consultation and introduction to the plan. Detailed analysis of your casehistory and your initial strategy of diet and lifestyle changes toget you started.

1 hour

2 x coaching calls, 15 minutes – days 21 & 63

Follow-up consultation, 30 minutes – day 42

Email support

Final 30-minuteconsultation at day 84. Full assessment of programme, and discussion ofmaintenance plan going forward.

Food journal reviews, using analytical software.

Nutrition handouts and meal planning tools.


Cardiovascular Assessment Blood Test

A test to measure the following:

  • Full Lipid Profile
  • Glycated haemoglobin
  • Advanced Iron Profile
  • B12 and Folate
  • Omega3 and Omega6
  • Liver Function
  • Thyroid Advanced Panel
  • Urea and Uric Acid
  • zVitamin D
