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What is Dysbiosis? How to optimise your microbiome

June 28, 2021
Mark Killick
Bactria in the gut having a party!

If you’re experiencing stomach pains, wind, constipation, diarrhoea, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, pain or other unexplained symptoms. The answer may be in your gut. Gut dysbiosis refers to microbiome imbalance that may develop because of various dietary, lifestyle, environmental, and health factors. Gut dysbiosis can lead to a variety of chronic symptoms and chronic health problems. Fortunately, once you identify the gut flora imbalance, you can address the root cause of your problems, improve your microbiome, and eliminate gut dysbiosis.

Your gut is full of bacteria. While many of these bacteria are healthy and contribute to your body’s natural processes, other bacteria are unhealthy and harmful. It is important that you have a healthy balance so your gut can provide a healthy foundation for a healthy body. You don’t want too many bad microorganisms in your gut.

When the bacterial colonies in your gut, including your stomach and intestines, are out of balance, you have gut dysbiosis. Gut dysbiosis may develop because of an unhealthy inflammatory diet, food sensitivities, pain killer use, antibiotics, bacterial, yeast, or fungal overgrowth, poor bile flow, low stomach acid, chronic stress, anxiety, and a high toxic load. Some of the symptoms of gut dysbiosis are mild and temporary, such as an upset stomach, however, if you don’t address the problem and don’t correct the imbalance, things can get out of hand.

Gut dysbiosis can lead to more severe symptoms such as inflammation, fatigue, chronic pain, and chronic health issues, including leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalance, poor immune health, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological issues, cancer, and more.

Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome refers to increased intestinal permeability. Your gut is semi-permeable, and is designed to allow micronutrients to pass through to allow your body to absorb nutrients from food. It is also designed to keep infections, toxins, large food particles, and other harmful invaders out of your bloodstream.

However, when your intestinal wall gets damaged from inflammatory/processed foods and drinks, infections, pain killer overuse, antibiotic overuse, environmental toxins, and stress, leaky gut syndrome happens. These poor dietary, lifestyle and environmental factors allow the pathogenic species, including harmful bacteria, Candida and other fungi, parasites, and viruses to take over the control and compromise your health. These pathogens can create gaps in your intestinal wall. This is called leaky gut syndrome.

If you have leaky gut, the tiny junctions on your intestinal wall become larger and large gaps occur. This means that not only micronutrients but also toxins, undigested food particles, and microbes can pass through and escape into your bloodstream. These pathogens, toxins, and other harmful particles then travel through your bloodstream with the potential to cause an immune response in your joints, neural tissues, and other major organs, which can lead to autoimmune conditions. This is characterised by chronic inflammation.

Functional Digestive Health Testing

If you are experiencing symptoms of gut dysbiosis, there is a functional digestive health test to identify any underlying issues. The GI Ecologix is a comprehensive stool test that can identify your levels of normal (healthy, good) and dysbiotic (bad, unhealthy) bacteria in your gut and measure bacterial imbalances. This test can also detect Candida and other fungi overgrowth, parasite (protozoa and worms) overgrowth, and the presence of H. pylori.

It can reveal a lot about your health. It can reveal a lot about the health of your digestion and show markers of inflammation. Looking at these actionable biomarkers, we can find natural strategies to address your gut health issues and improve your health. For more information, call or email Mark. 07768 261989 or